NHS Covid-19 Booster

Seasonal boosters of the Covid-19 vaccine will be made available to certain groups of people. These groups will have been identified according to their vulnerability. If you’re invited for a booster dose it is important that you take it. If you don’t want to visit a mass vaccination centre, our pharmacy teams will provide you with your booster dose, or in some cases a first dose at your local Pharmacy+Health branch. eBookings for Covid vaccines have to be made via the NHS systems not Pharmacy+Health in 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions

Everyone in the UK aged over 5 years is entitled to a first and second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. If you have not yet received these it is strongly advised that you book your appointment now. Those over 18 and some children aged 12–16 are also entitled to a booster dose, with some groups also eligible for a further seasonal booster dose.rnrnYou can get any of these doses from your local Pharmacy+Health branch. You will need to book your appointment using the Covid-19 booking system.

As with your previous dose, the common side effects are the same for all COVID-19 vaccines, including the updated vaccines being used this spring and include:

* Having a painful, heavy feeling and tenderness in the arm where you had your injection – this tends to be worst around 1 to 2 days after the vaccine
* Feeling tired
* General aches or mild flu-like symptoms

You are advised to rest and take paracetamol to help you feel better.

According to the NHS, it is safe to have your Covid-19 booster at the same time as your seasonal flu jab. If you are eligible, you can also book to get your free NHS flu jab from your local Pharmacy+Health branch. Get in touch with your local branch and they’ll help you to coordinate an appointment at the same time as your booked Covid-19 booster.